Good morning, We would like to introduce our 2012 edition of DocsBarcelona, an International Documentary Film Festival and Pitching Forum which will run from the 31st to the 5th of February in the lively city of Barcelona . The Pitching Forum is the DocsBarcelona branch that serves the documentary industry and it has become one of the first international meeting point of the year for documentary professionals. It is a platform for filmmakers and producers to find finance, co-production and distribution for their documentary projects. 24 projects get chosen to be pitched in front of a carefully selected panel of TV commissioning editors, buyers, and distributors. These are followed by individual negotiation meetings. Two pitchers can apply for each project. This is the 15th edition, and the 53% of the presented projects during these years have been finished. We would be delighted to receive projects from your country and see them participate in the Pitching Forum. This is why we would thank you if you share the newsletter attached with your members and if you can show the information on your website. And remember: for a series of European countries, including your country, we are offering an amazing 50% discount for the 2nd pitcher, both for the Pitching Forum and the Pitching Workshop, and only charging a very small fee for observers. Follow us on facebook & twitter. For further information check our website and please don’t hesitate to contact us if necessary. We thank you very much in advance. All the best,
Àngels Clos Caturla Roselló 184 5è pis 08008 Barcelona
Tfn. +34 93 452 46 18