Let us make it clear from the start, no matter how unpleasant it may sound to some people, that our company will not buy any material. The reason is not only the fact that the company’s finances will not allow it to negotiate on these terms, but also because we think that such a thing would go against the company’s principles.
We know that for most people amateur films are a major part of life, a treasured gleaning of memories, a recording of beloved people and moments. We do not want, and cannot, on any account, transform them to an object of trade. Nor do we intend to “induce” anyone to think of them as such.
We are definitely interested to keep the original material in our files. This, however, is something we have chosen and decided to do ourselves. Quite a few people have donated their films to us, thinking that they are no longer of any use to them, as they do not have any projection machines. What we offer to these donors, if we are offering something, is a number of copies of the films on VHS or DVD and the knowledge that these films will be preserved.
In any case, however, and for those donors to be safe, an agreement is made, defining the future uses of the material.
And yet, even if you do not wish to donate your material to our company, we would still ask you to contact us. We would like to record the material, its subject matter, the condition it is in and especially to meet an amateur film-maker.
We do feel we must own up to something: all of you, who, without being professionals, have held a camera and recorded images of Athens and of the provinces, family scenes and scenes of the daily life, all of you are a living part of memory for our country. Give us the possibility to rescue and preserve exactly this memory. These images… Your images…