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He was born in Athens in 1958. He studied architecture in Italy, firstly in Palermo and then in Florence. He worked in the Inspectorate of Antiquities in Siena and returned to Greece in the mid 1980s  and started working as an architect. He started making his first family films as well as cartoons  at the age of 14. In the University of Florence he directed his only fiction film entitled “centenario dalla morte di…” as his dissertation on the subject of “History of Cinematography”. Stelios Minotakis gave the archives of “ Of  the Anonymous” films super 8mm, total duration of 3 hours and 17 minutes. Most of them are in colour, no sound.


  1. Family movies-cartoons «Stelios Minotakis Collection»
  2. «centenario dalla morte di…»
    (fiction, super 8 mm, in colour, sound, 1982, duratioon: 17:33)